
Happiness as a habit

There are a number of activities that I know makes me happy either while doing it or after. Although I know the activities, I still don’t do all of them consistently. Some examples are reading, writing, eating healthy food, take time for solitude, learning something new. It’s kind of ironic, you know what makes you happy, but you still don’t do it 🙂

For the past 4 months I’ve been pretty consistent with exercising. Either running, strength, crossfit, or swimming. Exercising makes me happy, and I do it almost everyday at the moment, so it feels like a habit now. I purposely, made exercising a habit by running 5 minutes everyday for almost 3 weeks (more about that here). It’s interesting to think about whether it’s possible to kill the inconsistency of those other activities that I know makes me happy by making it a habit. And, would this then increase ones overall happiness?

Happiness as a habit. Definitely worth trying.

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